Project Overview
The Chittenden County I-89 2050 Study is a collaborative effort of the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) and the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) to develop a comprehensive investment program for the 37 mile I-89 corridor in Chittenden County, Vermont through 2050.
Below is an image of the I-89 2050 Study Area. Click here to view the full map.
The Project is currently scheduled to run through the end of 2021 with the work following the tasks outlined below.
1. Project Initiation & Kick-Off
- Project kick-off (May 2019)
- First Technical and Advisory Committee meetings
2. Existing Conditions Assessment
- Compile existing transportation and land use conditions along the corridor
- Coordination with Resource Agencies
- Develop corridor travel demand model (TransCAD) and microsimulation model (TransModeler)
- Evaluate current and future base conditions
3. Develop Corridor Vision & Goals
- Develop Vision, Goals, and Objectives
- First round of Public Outreach
4. Evaluation of New and/or Improved Interchanges
- Round 1 Interchange Screening Evaluation
- Draft Round 1 Interchange Screening Matrix (link)
- Round 2 Interchange Screening Evaluation
5. Identify & Evaluate Alternatives
- Work with Transportation Demand Management Committee to identify potential Corridor-wide TDM Measures (final TDM Committee presentation)
- Develop Strategic Model to evaluate potential TDM impacts on Vehicles Miles Travelled and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Develop and Refine “Bundle 2”
- Hold a Public Meeting to Present and Review TDM Measures (presentation)
- Evaluate all Four Build “Bundles” and one No Build Bundle
- Hold a Public Meeting to Present the Final Bundle Evaluation
6. Implementation Plan
- Identify Performance Measures & Project Triggers
- Develop Implementation Plan
- Hold a Public Meeting to Present the Implementation Plan
7. Final Report
- Prepare Final Report and Appendices
The graphic below summarizes the project schedule, major milestones and opportunities for public input. Click here to view the full schedule.

I-89 2050 Study - Scope of Work
CCRPC Metropolitan Transportation Plan
VTrans Long Range Transportation Plan
Chittenden County I-89 Corridor Study (1997)
I-89 Exit 17 Scoping Study (2014)
I-89 Exit 16 Scoping Study (2011)
I-89 Exit 15 Interchange Reconfiguration Analysis (2004)
I-89 Exit 13 Access Improvements Scoping Report (1999)